Assist the priest celebrant at the altar and throughout the liturgy .
Lay parishioners assist the priest in administering the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during Holy Communion at Mass. |
Linens: Maintain altar linens each week (wash, iron and return them to the church).
Flowers: Maintain flower arrangements for the sanctuary as well as seasonal decorations in the church.
Proclaim the Scripture and Prayers of the Faithful at the Church’s worship.
Adult Church Choir
We are seeking to form an adult choir. We plan to have weekly practice on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm in the Church.
Would you like to share your musical talent during the liturgy of Mass? As we look to create a music ministry, we are open to learning the talents you would like to share.
Lead the presider and the other ministers to the sanctuary at the celebration of Mass. His/her chief function is to ensure the smooth unfolding of the Eucharistic celebration.
Greet parishioners and visitors as they enter the church, look after those with special needs, and collect the offertory collection.