We should strive to pay attention to the goodness in the world around us, and to recognize the face of God in those things.
Finding God in all things
Ignatian spirituality emphasizes finding God in all things.
It is a spirituality for busy people with hectic lives, who cultivate the spiritual disciplines of reflecting on their days and noticing where God was present—and where God is leading. Ignatian spirituality is rooted in the belief that God created the world and it is good. Wherever we find goodness, truth, and beauty, God is there.
The basic tenets of Ignatian spirituality come from St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), who wrote down notes about his prayer and the internal changes he noticed as he began to develop his own friendship with Jesus. Those notes became The Spiritual Exercises.
Our parish has an active Ignatian Spirituality program that provides spiritual direction, retreats, and activities throughout the year.
The Ignatian Spirituality Leads (Christine Pearson and Jim Reichard) welcome your interest and questions: