The Finance Council is a consultative body composed of parishioners to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish.
The Finance Council meets six-eight times per year to review the financial statements and to establish the budget for the upcoming year. Members are appointed by the Pastor and serve a three-year term. The Finance Council is directed by the values of the Gospel in fulfilling its responsibilities, as well as by good business practices. Efficient and effective use and management of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards.
Primary areas of responsibility for the Finance Council include:
1. To ensure that the annual budget is properly prepared for review by the Executive Committee and presentation to the parish.
2. To ensure that the required Semi-Annual and Annual Financial Report is prepared and submitted to the Diocese.
3. To prepare and publish semi-annual Financial Statements and Reports for the Executive Committee and the members of the parish community.
4. To work with the parish business manager to develop controls and procedures for proper stewardship of parish resources.
5. To evaluate and to make recommendations regarding the needs and effectiveness of the parish’s income generating efforts through the Sunday offertory and other fundraising activities.
6. To develop appropriate plans for the financing of necessary repairs, renovations, purchase of equipment and future building for the parish.
7. To communicate the financial status of the parish to the Executive Committee and the parish community at least four (4) times per year.