Laudato Si’, an encyclical (letter) was released by Pope Francis in 2015 to all people, not Catholics or Christians alone.
The movie “The Letter” was released on the feast of St Francis of Assisi, October 4, 2022, showing the impact of humanity’s degradation of our common home as it affects others around the world; namely the poor, marginalized, and all of God’s creatures.
Laudate Deum was released by Pope Francis on the feast of St Francis in 2023. It is a sequel to Laudato Si’ and is meant for “all people of good will on the climate crisis.”
Our parish joins the Jesuits worldwide to confront the degradation of our environment and living conditions especially impacting the poor.
Watch: What is Integral Ecology (5 mins)
Faith-driven climate justice - questions to answer:
We have to take care collectively of our common home, our common future and, above all, our Mother Earth. If not now, then when?
If not here, then where?
If not us, then who? - Devopriya Dutta, Ecojesuit Ecoteam, Jesuit Conference of South Asia